Located in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, the community of Aragon has great advantages that make it an ideal territory for filming all kinds of audiovisual productions.
Its vast territory (about 10% of the total surface of Spain) offers a differential value to filming due to the variety of its landscapes and resources.
From deserts, to wild rivers, forests, snowy mountains, medieval villages and castles, monasteries, ultra-modern urban environments, unique architectural infrastructures or vintage interiors.

We are aware of the differential value of the natural environment of Aragon, its variety of landscapes, its historical and architectural heritage and its infrastructures.
For this reason, Aragón Film Commission offers production companies a wide repertoire of film locations.
In addition, we offer advice on filming conditions and facilitate contacts to quickly and efficiently obtain of filming permits.
Aragon enjoys an enviable geographical location, in the center of the most industrialized and developed area of Spain: between Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia.
It also has a remarkable communications and transport network: high-speed train from Madrid and Barcelona, airports, highway connection
300 sunny days per year are a guarantee of success for shooting outdoors.

The audiovisual sector is a priority for the Aragonese public administrations, so the development of filming has broad institutional support.
In addition, this community has a wide network of provincial, local and regional film offices ready to give quick and effective manage to the needs of any production in the territory.
In Aragon, Spanish productions and international co-productions can access state tax incentives that make this territory one of the most competitive destinations in neighboring countries.
The shootings developed in Aragon benefit from the high qualification of professionals in the audiovisual sector, accredited in countless national and international productions filmed in this community.
Likewise, there is a wide infrastructure to support filming with companies with the capacity to offer any service that may be required.